News & Articles

Aloe Ferox bring you the latest news on skincare & health products, the latest developments, tips &  treatments advise, the list is really endless.
Aloe Ferox Immune Boosters

Aloe Ferox Immune Boosters

Aloe Ferox products that will help to keep your immune system in tip-top shape: WINTER FIGHTER with Echinacea Research found that the highly active polysaccharides in Echinacea activate specific cells of the immune system that fight infections. Echinacea will also...

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New symbol for our products

New symbol for our products

We are proud to launch our new symbol of quality. This symbol will be your assurance of only the freshest and purest Aloe ferox plant material used to produce the highly effective Aloe Ferox & Timeless brands. This symbol of quality will make its way onto...

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Aloe Multi Plus

Aloe Multi Plus

Aloe Multi Plus is an exceptional blend of essential nutrients,vitamins, minerals, amino acidsand Aloe ferox to supplement nutritional imbalances in your body and diet. Aloe Multi Plus tends to your total well-being to support a healthier you! An imbalance in vitamins...

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Body Basics

Body Basics

Body Basics is a wide-ranging supplement that contains the nutrient-rich green peel & the inner fillet of the aloe, as well as minerals and vitamins, vital to our wellbeing: • Helps to maintain the metabolic balance of the human body. • Supplements mineral...

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Sight  & Eye Health

Sight & Eye Health

Ageing is the primary cause of eye diseases. Protect eyes against bright light and UV radiation by using sunglasses. Antioxidants (diet) are advantageous to eye health. Sugar and refined carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate, which can accelerate eye...

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Aloe Ferox: Biodiversity Conservation

Aloe Ferox: Biodiversity Conservation

We’ve been noticing an unnerving increase in the demand for the bitter sap/crystals/powder of the Aloe ferox plant over the last decade; to such an extent that we are really concerned about the longevity and sustainability of the Aloe ferox plant in its natural...

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Unit J11, Okavango Junction
Kenwil Drive,
Western Cape

TEL: 021 982 8672 / 021 205 0641


Mon- Fri: 08:00 – 17:00
Sat: 08:00 – 14:00




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