by AloeF143 | Oct 22, 2018 | Overview
Moisture is required to provide flexibility to the collagen network in the skin. Aloe restores the moisture balance and prevents existing moisture from evaporating because it forms a barrier that also protects against the elements as well as air pollution. 70% of the...
by AloeF143 | Aug 8, 2018 | Overview
Aloe Ferox is the only company in southern Africa (maybe the world) that contributes to the conservation of the Aloe ferox plant species by propagating seeds and transplanting them back into their natural habitat on a large scale. 2. Aloe Ferox is also the only...
by AloeF143 | Jun 1, 2018 | Overview
How much aloe is there in the Aloe Ferox skin care products? Sometimes one sees a skin product that claims to “contain 80% aloe”. It surely sounds amazing, don’t you think? But is it possible? Advertisements that make these kinds of assertions are phrased in such a...
by AloeF143 | May 31, 2018 | Overview
Aloes are succulent plants originating in southern and eastern Africa and Madagascar. The genus name Aloe is derived from the Arabic word alloeh, which translates to ‘a shiny bitter substance’ in reference to the exudate. It is estimated that there are over 500...