Research reports of the 80’s and 90’s questioned the use of anthraquinones (found in aloe bitters) as a potential risk of colon cancer because these substances stain the colon.

What does the latest research say? From studies done between 2000 and 2013, it was shown that colon staining could be ascribed to many different reasons and that it cannot be linked to cancer or the risk thereof. Some interesting facts from these studies:

  • Colon staining is due to a natural intestinal pigment (lipofuscin) that deposits in the colon lining and is not due to the brown pigment found in bitters.
  • Lipofuscinonly deposits on normal colon linings and not on growths. Therefore, during a colonoscopy polyp, glands and other growths appear “bright” against a stained colon. This actually helps to see lumps!
  • The use of bitters does indeed cause staining of the colon. Staining occurs within 4 months of continuous use and disappears within 12-15 months after discontinuation.
  • Study participants, who used bitters for a long period, were compared to one another to determine if long-term use can be linked to cancerous growths. Interestingly, healthy patients used bitters on average for about 2 years longer than sick patients – with no indication of cancerous growths!
  • Inflammatory bowel disease causes colon staining – even if anthraquinones were never used before.
  • Many patients with colon growths (benign or malignant) have never used any laxatives – neither bitters nor others. Also, many of these patients show no signs of stained colons.
  • Undesirable colorectal growths are strongly linked to gender, age and smoking. These are more predominant in males and the incidence also increases with ageing and with smoking habits.

Source:  Aloe Ferox Newsletter Oct/Nov 2013



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